The Call of duty 2 pc game in wich Soldiers fight together
in epic conflicts. The 2003 game call of Duty winner of 80 years awards, Call
of Duty 2 pc game very interesting and active game. In this game many battles’. You experience once again
The battle field, in call of Duty 2. You can employ Real spuad tactics as you make your way through four distinct campaigns’,
each following
following a single soldier as
he battles through historic conflicts.
The game is set during World War II and the campaign mode is
experienced through the perspectives of four soldiers: one in the Red Army, one
in the United States Army, and two in the British Army. It contains four
individual campaigns, split into three stories, with a total of twenty-seven
missions. Activision officially announced the game on April 7, 2005 in a press
release. Many features were added and changed from the original Call of Duty.
The most notable change is the regenerating health, similar to the original Halo
trilogy of games. Additions include an icon that indicates a nearby grenade
about to explode.
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